Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Jeff and Jill came to visit for 4 days last week. We got to meet our niece and celebrate her first birthday with her and our family. Brian's grandma was also out visiting for the occasion.

All of my bulbs are coming up! The front of our house is so colorful and it makes me happy. Oh, did I mention the SNOW we're supposed to get on Thursday?

One of the other big events of our springtime is that Charlie is now riding his bike without training wheels. Brian coaxed him into taking them off after his 6th birthday. Charlie's just wired that way -- he makes his mind up to do something, and he just does it. It's pretty amazing.

Charlie also participated in a Run-a-Thon for his school and ran 8 laps in 1/2 hour!

About Me

Lafayette, Colorado, United States