Thursday, July 26, 2007

That Triathalon I Was In

I have a crazy friend who likes to do triathalons. I don't know why, it's not my thing. She invited our whole small group to do with with her and we agreed to do it as a relay. So I biked 12 miles. It was fun -- I mean, I like biking. The other ladies in our group did an outstanding job and we all finished.

All of us, with our medals! (l-r Paula, Julia (crazy friend), Dawn, me, Linette & Steph)

Isaac and Charlie showing off the shwag.

Julia and Linette before the big plunge!!

me, before the ride

Paula, before her 5k

Steph and Dawn, out for a yummy lunch and margaritas!

Some of the ladies want to do it again, or do it themselves. I feel like, well, I've done it. There. Now I never have to do it again.

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About Me

Lafayette, Colorado, United States